try attaching disk manually to a vm using settings.
Maybe this part will do the trick? Who knows, none or emptydisk sounds reasonable, don't you think
try attaching disk manually to a vm using settings.
Maybe this part will do the trick? Who knows, none or emptydisk sounds reasonable, don't you think
remove the *.mf file from the directory and redo the same step you are doing.
Please post your solution. If this did not work for you !
(you need to install ovftool provided by VMWare)
If you have ovf file for the vmdk file then use the follwing command and it will generate vmx
ovftool old.ovf new.vmx
It will show the progress as following
Opening OVF source: old.ovf
Warning: File is not referred in the manifest: old.ovf
Opening VMX target: new.vmx
Writing VMX file: new.vmx
Disk progress: 94%
move the trash directory some where or manually empty it
mv /home/"userName"/.local/share/Trash ~/
rm -rf /home/"userName"/.local/share/Trash